Travel Tips - Before You Begin Your Journey

1. Collect information about the destination you're about to visit beforehand. Do a search on Google or read magazines and books to get useful information about your dream destination.

2. Make a list of things which you'll pack and carry with you. Don't make the list too much long because in that case you might feel yourself in a mess.

3. Do not put all items in one bag. Instead divide them up. It will be easier to carry and find things during the journey.

4. Keep all essential things like tickets, ID Cards and money etc. with yourself.

5. Remember to take chargers with you. As you will take lots of photos, surf the net and upload pictures to Facebook you don't want to see your mobile, camera or laptop go off to sleep.

6. If you're about to drive to to your destination, make sure that your car has no faults. Keep spare tyres.

7. Make sure to secure your house before going out.

8. Keep xerox copies of voter ID card, driving license, passport, visa, debit and credit cards etc. along with you.

9. Be informed about the prevalence of any particular disease in the area you are about to visit.


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